Category: Zen and the Art of Procrastination

  • What is the problem to be fixed?

    What is the problem to be fixed?

    In any organization, the journey toward improvement, innovation, or change often begins with a simple yet crucial question. What is the problem to be fixed? Whether you’re tackling a persistent issue, launching a new initiative, or striving for operational excellence, understanding the problem at hand is vital to developing effective solutions. But how do you accurately define a problem? Let’s explore the importance of this process and how to do it effectively.

    Why Defining the Problem Matters

    1. Clarity and Focus: A clear definition of the problem helps to establish a common understanding among team members. When everyone is on the same page about what needs to be addressed, it becomes easier to collaborate towards a solution. Without this clarity, efforts can become scattered and misaligned.
    2. Resource Optimization: Time, money, and human resources are often limited. By identifying the specific problem, organizations can allocate their resources more effectively. This ensures that efforts are directed toward areas that will yield the most significant impact.
    3. Preventing Scope Creep: When problems are not well-defined, there’s a risk of scope creep. This is the enemy of all projects. It is where the project expands beyond its original intentions. A clearly articulated problem statement serves as a guide to keep teams focused on the task at hand.
    4. Facilitating Measurement and Evaluation: A well-defined problem provides a baseline against which progress can be measured. By establishing clear criteria for success, teams can assess the effectiveness of their solutions and make informed adjustments as needed.

    Steps to Define the Problem

    1. Gather Data and Insights: Start by collecting relevant data and insights about the issue. This can include quantitative data, such as performance metrics, as well as qualitative feedback from employees, customers, or stakeholders. The more information you have, the better equipped you’ll be to understand the problem.
    2. Involve Stakeholders: Engage with those affected by the problem. This includes team members, customers, and other stakeholders. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights into the root causes of the issue and help identify potential solutions.
    3. Use the “5 Whys” Technique: This simple yet effective method involves asking “why” five times to get to the root cause of the problem. For instance, if a project is running late, the first “why” might be “Why is the project late?” The answer could lead to another question, and so on, until the underlying issue is uncovered. Extra reading credit is here
    4. Write a Clear Problem Statement: Once you have a comprehensive understanding of the problem, articulate it in a clear and concise statement. A well-defined problem statement should include the nature of the problem, who it affects, and the impact it has on the organization. For example, “Our customer support response time exceeds industry standards, leading to decreased customer satisfaction and retention rates.”
    5. Prioritize the Problem: Not all problems are created equal. Assess the impact of the problem on your organization’s goals. Prioritize addressing issues that will yield the most significant benefits when resolved. This will help to ensure that your efforts are directed toward the most pressing challenges.
    6. Test Your Understanding: Share the problem statement with stakeholders to ensure everyone agrees with the diagnosis. This feedback loop is crucial for validating the problem definition and ensuring that it resonates with those involved.


    Defining the problem to be fixed is a foundational step in the problem-solving process. By taking the time to thoroughly understand and articulate the issue, organizations can set themselves up for success in finding effective solutions. This clarity not only facilitates collaboration and resource optimization but also helps to prevent scope creep and enables meaningful measurement and evaluation.

    In today’s complex and rapidly changing environment, the ability to define problems accurately is more valuable than ever. By honing this skill, organizations can navigate challenges more effectively, drive innovation, and ultimately achieve their goals. So, the next time you encounter a challenge, remember that the first step is to define the problem. Your path to meaningful solutions starts there.

  • 2024, the year I walked

    2024, the year I walked

    In April of 2024 I became aware that I was not as healthy as I had been. I was obese, my heart was fibrillating regularly and I was often depressed. It was clear that I needed to do something. So I decided that every morning before I took the children to school I would go for a walk.

    It started off as short walks around the block. Five or so kilometres. By June I was walking at least 10 km every day. The benefits of that walking became apparent really quickly. My extra weight dropped off and mentally I felt so much more on top of things. Eight months later and I’m 14 kilos lighter. I have had to buy new clothes. I am wearing clothes that I had filed away in a maybe I will wear that again one day drawer.

    It is now January 2025 and I feel strange if I don’t walk for an hour and a half every day. I get up at six every morning. In the winter this is honestly much harder than it was in the summer. It is so cold and dark outside. I’m walking on roads with a headlamp and a high visibility coat for safety in the pitch black. However, there is something really special about this time to myself. Me, the road and whatever podcast I’m listening to at that time. I think that this time allows me to prepare for the day.

    Not all of it is captured in the infographic above. I didn’t always use Strava and sometimes Strava doesn’t capture my walk but in the 147 days that it did capture I walked 1467 kilometres.

    Why am I writing all of this you may wonder. Is this some humble brag about losing weight? I suppose, kind of, but it is also a story about how with a little determination you can turn around your life. I was miserable then and am less so now. My health was deteriorating for sure. I spent a lot of time at the doctor or with specialists about my heart. In the last few months I have none of that.

    Is everything perfect now? Of course not but little baby steps are always the way forward.

  • Failure and the art of getting back on the horse

    Failure and the art of getting back on the horse

    So my plans (like so many of my plans) of writing stuff here failed to materialise. Some may find this unsurprising. I didn’t.
    I will likely try again soon. Not today.

  • Zen and the art of procrastination

    Zen and the art of procrastination

    I had high hopes of being a writer someday. However, as with everything else I seem to try, I get excited about it for a period of time. Intensely interested and then when it falls by the wayside. I used to think that it was because I realised that the thing (bonsai, learning Japanese, writing, building websites, skateboarding, dieting, writing music… I could go on, really) was just too hard. Gradually, I am coming to realise that it is because it is no longer novel.

    A current intense interest of mine is TikTok. On that platform, I stumbled upon ADHD TikTok. There I find people describing how I had felt all of my life as symptoms of their “disorder”. On one hand, this could be good, as it might be a road to understanding why I have felt so awkward and at odds with the world. On the other hand, how do I know that this isn’t just another intense interest forming. I can’t know that.

    I have written several things on procrastination. Or at least I have started to write a bunch. I might have published them, I can’t remember. I have also tried to form some ideas about Imposter Syndrome. These things are, in fact, all linked. All part of the same hobbyhorse. More of this to come in the coming months.